Miss Blue

Miss Blue

Miss Blue was rescued from a bad place about 10 years ago (she was thought to be around 3 to 5 years old at the time) and chose to spend the rest of her life with me.  She was scared of everything and everyone and used to keep her head down and not look up or make eye contact.  I spent the first year constantly telling her to hold her head up high while gently lifting her muzzle. Over time Miss Blue’s inner puppy came to life and she has come to be the mayor of my neighborhood.  Holding her head high and barking at passersby until they would come over and pet her and talk sweetly to her.  If they are lucky she will look up and smile because she so happy and she knows she’s got their heart. I love Cathy’s painting of Miss Blue because she captured that charming, happy and engaging smile.  I don’t know how much more time I will have with Miss Blue, but I will always have this beautiful painting to make me smile.

Thanks Cathy!
